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Tartarumba: A song about a turtle who loves to dance la rumba.
Il Rompigatto: A song about an annoying cat!
La Tarantola: A song about the species of spider called the tarantula!
Il Cuoco Pasticcione: A song about a terrible chef!
Come i pesci, gli elefanti e le tigri - Just Like Fish, Elephants and Tigers
Messer Galileo - a song about the great astronomer and physicist, Galileo Galilei
Lo Scriverò nel Vento (I will write it in the wind) - a song about friendship and world peace.
Zecchino d'Oro
This is a famous Italian song competition for children. It has existed for over sixty years! Its name means 'Golden Sequin'. The choir that sings is called il Coro dell'Antoniano. Here are just a few videos of songs from over the years.
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